APA: Format My Paper

Paper template

You can use this Download APA formatted paper template

from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville to format papers for your classes. As always double check to make sure the template follows all APA style guidelines.  



  • Margins are 1".
  • Paper is double spaced.
  • 12 point Times New Roman or similar serif typeface.
  • First line of paragraphs are indented using the tab key.
  • Title page header located in upper left hand corner: Running head: TITLE IN ALL-CAPS 
  • Header for all subsequent pages: TITLE IN ALL-CAPS
  • Page number located in upper right corner starting with title page numbered 1
  • Title centered and positioned in the upper half of the title page.
  • Author's name appears centered below the title. Preferred format is first name, middle initial(s), last name
  • Institutional affiliation appears below the author name.
  • Abstract begins on the second page first line.
  • The body begins with the title of the paper centered on the first line of page three followed by the first paragraph on the second line.


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