Additional Library Resources


Congratulations, you've made it to the end! I hope you were able to discover some amazing library resources & services, and learned how to conduct freshman level research! For your convenience, I've collected some familiar resources that you should recognize from the library modules you just completed. 


Ask a Librarian!

Get help from a librarian 24/7 using our Live Chat. You can also call us, text us, find your subject specialist to book an appointment or browse our FAQ page. 

U100 Library Guide

The library has many resources to help support your citation and writing needs. Visit these commonly used guides to help you cite your sources and create your Annotated Bibliographies.

MLA 8th edition

Cite Your Sources in MLA format

MLA Citation Quick Guide 

Annotated Bibliography Resources 

Sample Annotated Bibliography MLA Format

APA 7th edition

Cite Your Sources in APA format

APA Citation Quick Guide 

Annotated Bibliography Resources 

Sample Annotated Bibliography in APA Format 

Video Tutorials:

Looking for more tutorials?  Visit our How-To Guides & Tutorials page!

Library Remote Services and Resources for Students Guide: Visit this guide for all relevant information about the Library's current operations and remote resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes updates to physical access to the building and helpful links and resources you can access remotely.