U100 Overview

Welcome to the U100 Library Canvas Module: Learn what resources and services the library has to offer CSUN students. Each page will include a map to the service desk, audio file describing the resource, and links to view more information. 

This module should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Overview and Navigation: 

Here is an outline of what will be covered as you navigate through the U100 Library Module: 


U100 Library Google Quiz:

Go through each page, listen to the audio file (or read the transcript), and bookmark relevant pages along the way. For credit, complete the Google Quiz at the end of the module. Student names and quiz scores will be emailed to their U100 Professor. 

Complete this module before the first library session with your librarian. 


Are you viewing this module on Safari? Displaying and downloading files might not work using Safari. Please switch to Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.


Librarian QuestionsQuestions regarding this module? Please email librarian Jamie Johnson jamie.johnson@csun.edu 


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