Available Online: ebooks, articles, reference entries
When using OneSearch to find e-resources, be sure to choose Available Online at CSUN:
From there, you can choose your Resource Type:
Some resource types, like articles and book chapters, may be downloaded. Others, such as videos and short films, may not. Once you choose a resource, you will be asked to log in:
Say you want to read an e-book. Take a look at this record:
You can see that we have 'unlimited access' to this book, which means that anyone with a CSUN login may use this book at the same time. There is also a tool to cite the book--be sure to compare this citation to our guides, and keep in mind if you are using an edited volume with multiple authors, that you need to cite an individual chapter. Sound confusing? Ask a librarian!
You can also find 'reference entries' on playwrights and plays. A reference entry is something you would find in an encyclopedia, dictionary, or other reference resource. You can think of it as a reliable alternative to Wikipedia. For example, here is an entry on Anna Deavere Smith from the Oxford Companion to Theatre and Performance:
When you click on the link for Online Access, you are taken to an e-book, and just as with other books or articles, you can download the content and create a citation.
Looking for an article? Limit your Resource Type and keep in mind you can either choose a peer-reviewed article (written by scholars), a magazine article (such as Vanity Fair or Entertainment Weekly).
Say you have chosen a peer-reviewed/scholarly article. Here is an example of what the record looks like in OneSearch, and this is a great opportunity to look at the subject headings/keywords: you can click on any of them, or make a note of them for other searches.
This particular article is available in JSTOR. Opening the article, the last page is the works cited/bibliography. This is a great place to find other resources to explore. Wondering if the Library has an article or book? Cut and paste the title into OneSearch. If it does not show up, you can always double check with a librarian, or see if there is a possibility to request the resource using Interlibrary Loan.
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