Define your topic

Getting Started:

STEP ONE: The first step to research is developing a topic that is not too broad or narrow in scope. To begin, think about:

  • what topic(s) interest you?
  • what questions do you have about the topic(s)?
  • what you would like to learn more about?


STEP TWO: To narrow or broaden the topic. Things to consider: 

Once you have chosen a research topic you will need to narrow it down into a research statement or question. The sooner you do this in your research process, the more time you’ll save because you can conduct more focused searches. This process will also help you determine keywords. We will review keywords in the next page. 

Here are some common ways you can narrow down a research topic.

By communities: Think of ways to narrow it down by age, occupation, ethnicity, race, gender. Example:  freshman college students OR chicano/a female college students

By relevant issues: Try to identify key issues related to your topic and possible subtopics or avenues you can expand your research. Example: Anxiety and stress issues college students experience working and attending school

By location: Focus on a specific country, city, state, type of environment (rural vs urban, college, high school)  

By causes or effects: You can take the perspective of looking for causes or effects of an issue you are researching. Fair warning the keywords “cause” and “effect” don’t make great keywords. 

Going through this process will also help you come up with the keywords you will need for the next step in research. 

Remember: at these early stages of research, Google is your friend! Also, make sure you choose a subtopic you are interested in researching!!!

Examples of Research Questions:


Simple vs Complex: Focused:
Unclear: Why are social networking sites harmful? Too Simple: How are doctors addressing diabetes in the U.S.? Unfocused: What is the effect on the environment from global warming?
Clear: How are online users experiencing or addressing privacy issues on social media sites like Instagram and Twitter? Appropriately complex: What are common traits of those suffering from diabetes in America, and how can these commonalities be used to aid the medical community in prevention of the disease? Focused: How is glacial melting affecting penguins in Antarctica?


🚀 Developing a search strategy 
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