Guest Services
Located on the main floor in the Library Lobby, learn what Guest Services has to offer.
Transcript of Audio
The Guest Services Desk is where you check out most books. Undergrad and grad students may check out an unlimited number of books and items from the main collection. The loan period for most items is 16 weeks for current CSUN students. Each item may be renewed once. A current CSUN I.D. serves as a Library card for all CSUN students, faculty, and staff.
The Guest Services Desk is also where you pick up books after requesting them from OneSearch, is the pickup location for textbooks available through Course Reserves and is the pickup location for items delivered through InterLibrary Loan. No matter how you request the item, you will be emailed once its available.
Maps of the library are available at Guest Services and staff can answer questions about finding specific service points in the library. Staff can also help with materials held in the outdoor lockers, whether it's requested from the stacks, the ASRS, or CSU+/ILL. Finally, the Guest Services Desk hosts as the Library's Lost and Found and cash services, where you can pay a fine.
Community members can check out books as members of the Friends of the Library. Ask at the Guest Services Desk for information about how to join.
More Info
What is your library card? How long can you checkout library books? How to renew materials? Borrow-Return-Renew Library page will answer all these questions.
Need whiteboard markers? Go to Guest Services to checkout whiteboard marker kits.
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