Message from your librarian Ding: Welcome to the KIN 456 Canvas module! While we are not meeting in person, you could check out this module for resources and email me at yi.ding@csun.edu if you have any questions.

What this module is about:

This module will help you with the research assignment for KIN 456, in which you are required to:

  • Design an exercise program (aerobic & resistance training), including the protocol, for your assigned population.
  • Write a literature review that supports the training protocol for your assigned population. Cite only original research articles in your literature review.
  • Provide methods, prescription, and outcomes analysis as well as a reference section.


After doing this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify different types of peer-reviewed articles
  • Find original research articles in the kinesiology field
  • Use basic functions of EndNote, a citation manager


Now let's get started:

   Find Articles

Understand the types of articles you are supposed to look for and how to get them for KIN 456.


Need help with citation? Check out this page for tutorial links for APA 7th citation and EndNote, a FREE citation manager.



Ready to check your comprehension of the above topics? Take this quiz!



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