Reference Services
There are many different ways to get help from a librarian. Learn about all our references services.
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Do you need help finding information for your research project? Visit librarians at the Reference Desk for one-on-one help and learn about the variety of resources, databases, collections, media and more the library has to offer. The Reference Desk and 'Ask a Librarian' services are available for student support almost every hour the library is open. Last year our librarians answered more than 9,000 questions!
Reference librarians assist students to find information, select sources for research, design search strategies, and navigate a wide array of electronic and print resources. They can also help you with evaluating and citing information students find. Most consultations take between 5-10 minutes. You can also make an appointment for lengthier in-depth consultations with a Librarian Subject Specialist. No question is too big or small and the librarians are there to help you.
If you can't make it in-person, there are other ways to get help from a librarian including emailing, texting, or by chat. For any questions not easily answered by one of our FAQs, students will have the option to email. The library offers free text messaging reference services (standard message rates apply). Store the number in your contacts and text them anytime you have a question.
Students can also access our Virtual Reference 24/7 online via Chat Message and have questions answered in real-time by a reference librarian. All these features are available on the Library's website under 'Ask A Librarian'
More Info
Online chat with a real person 24/7
Visit us in-person during Fall and Spring semesters at the Reference Desk, located on the main floor of the library in the Learning Commons.
Librarian Subject Specialists
FAQs about the library
Text (818) 900-2965
Call (818) 677-6671