What's new with 9th edition

What has changed since MLA 8th edition?

  • Not much! MLA 9th edition is an expansion of the 8th edition with new sections on grammar, writing advice, mindful of inclusive language, expansion endnotes & footnotes, and new guidelines for annotated bibliographies.
  • URLs:
    • Continue: if a DOI is available it is preferred over a URL or permalink.
    • DOIs should now include the http:// and https://
    • For general websites, copy and paste from your browser, some will include the www. and some will not. Either is acceptable.
    • Full URLs are recommended but optional especially for long URLs that are three or more lines long.
    • You can shorten URLs to the general site if it is excessively long.
    • Don’t use shortening services such as bit.ly.
    • Remember, when getting a URL from a library database where you have to log in and is behind a closed paywall; use the permalink or stable URL provided by the database. Do not copy and paste the browser URL.  
  • If an article is issued by season (spring, summer, fall, winter) the first letter is now lower case.
  • The handbook appendix includes over 30 pages of citation examples listed by publication format.
  • Shortening University Press publisher name. If the publisher includes University Press, abbreviate to UP. Example, Cambridge University Press would be shortened to Cambridge UP.

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