Find Articles in Kinesiology databases

What articles should I look for?

Academic/Scholarly/Peer reviewed Articles

For many KIN courses, you are required to cite scholarly articles. Your professor might use the term academic journal, peer review or scholarly to express the same concept. While the terms mean slightly different things, your instructor is most likely referring to articles that have been peer reviewed, a lengthy and arduous process that means not only were they written by subject matter experts (people with PhDs teaching in universities), but several other subject matter experts verified that the material is original, useful, and accurate.

Academic articles can be found most quickly through the library databases.

Most databases enable you to filter content for academic/scholarly/or peer reviewed journals.

Limit to scholarly (peer-reviewed) journals

Original Research Articles vs Review Articles

For many KIN courses, you would need to find original research articles. The image below summarizes the connection between peer reviewed articles, original research articles, and review articles.

  • Original research articles, sometimes called empirical research articles or research articles,  include original data. There will be a methods section and results because something was tested.
  • A review article summarizes research that has been conducted on a certain topic. There is no research done for a review. Instead it summarizes the results of a lot of different articles. Although some review articles, such as meta-analyses have a methods section, all review articles won't include original data.

article type chart


How to get an article I want?

Search Tips

  • Don’t use natural language. Figure out what your topic is and use only the key terms.
  • Need inspirations for terms? Try searching your topic in Google and reading a few articles to get started.
  • Use quotes to combine terms that must appear together, such as "Type II diabetes", "pole dance"
  • Combine like terms using OR, such as pregnancy OR pregnant, cardiovascular training OR aerobic exercise
  • Use truncation: sometimes databases will let you use a symbol to search for terms with shared stems. Enter the root of the word followed by the truncation symbol(usually an asterisk) and the database will search for all words with that same root. A search for child* will retrieve all results with the terms child, children, childhood…


Database Recommendation: PubMed Links to an external site.

PubMed is one of the most popular database for biomedical literature and the most widely-used in the kinesiology field. It only has peer-reviewed articles and you can filter the search results to original research by selecting "Clinical Trial" and "Randomized Controlled Trial"

PubMed search filter screenshot

Accessing Full Text from Off-Campus

PubMed screenshot to show full text

  • If you find an article and cannot find the full text on the page, click the Find Text button or search the article in OneSearch.

  • If none of the links under Online Access section in OneSearch work, you can use the FREE Interlibrary Loan Service to obtain materials which are needed for research but are not available in the Library.


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