Find Sources Available at CSUN

Search All Types of Sources Using OneSearch

What is OneSearch?

OneSearch Links to an external site. is CSUN's searching tool to locate books, articles, videos and more provided by the library. OneSearch has been adopted by all 23 CSU libraries giving the CSU system a shared platform to collaborate and share resources.


How to use OneSearch?

Engage with the red plus icons in the below screenshots


Key Takeaways

  • Use keywords to search in OneSearch and use filters on the left side to refine your results (publication dates, subject area, source type, etc.)
  • It is important to evaluate information while looking for information, check out the next module to learn more.
  • Finding sources and accessing full-text take time and experience. Feel free to ask a librarian for help!


Screenshots of OneSearch


A Video about OneSearch

Find Subject-Specific Sources Using Databases

You can also access online sources at the library by using the databases. 

Access CSUN Sources from Off Campus

Only current CSUN students, faculty and staff can access our databases from off campus. To access the databases from off campus, click the name of the database. You will then see a screen asking you to log in, using your CSUN User ID and password (the same ID and password you use to log in to the portal).

For more information, see Accessing Library Resources from Off-Campus and the Library's Copyright Statement (in particular, the Appropriate Use of Library's Electronic Resources section).


Borrowing Print Books and Physical Media by Mail

While the library building remains closed due to public health requirements, CSUN students will be able to request books and other circulating materials from our collections to be sent to them by mail. Note that books and media on reserve are not available for mailing.

Users may request items through OneSearch:

  1. Search for needed items in OneSearch Links to an external site., and click Sign in to sign into your OneSearch account
  2. In the record for the item you want, click Request and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. You will receive your requested materials by mail in about one to two weeks, as item availability, public health, and USPS mail circumstances allow.

Questions? Contact or call (818) 677-2274 

Interlibrary Loan will restart borrowing of print books and mail them to current CSUN students. You will receive your requested materials in one to three weeks, if borrowed from another CSU library (CSU+), or in about three to four weeks from non-CSU libraries, as item availability, public health, and postal services circumstances allow. Contact: or call (818) 677-2294.

