Cite Articles
APA 7th Citation
Check out this whole module on APA 7th Citation!
EndNote (a Citation Manager!)
What is Citation Manager and why do you need to use EndNote?
Citation Managers are bibliographic management programs that will help you keep track of articles and books as you find them, organize your references and create bibliographies in 100s of citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, etc.)
They will also allow you to:
- Import citations as you research from databases and catalogs
- Save and organize citations
- Attach PDFs of articles, when available
- Embed citations (footnotes or in-text) into your word processing documents
- Collaborate with others online
- Discover the latest research
The most popular citation managers are EndNote and Zotero.
Most times it's a personal preference in terms of which one to use. When you are in school, however, it is important to use the one your professor, advisor, and/or peers are using to ensure easier sharing of sources. For KIN 456, we are going to use EndNote.
EndNote Links to an external site. - Web version (EndNote Online or EndNote Basic) free to anyone; integrates with MS Word; the Instruction Labs at the Library have the Cite-While-You-Write plug-in on Word for students to access their EndNote web accounts
How to use EndNote
After using your CSUN email to registering an account with EndNote Web Links to an external site., Links to an external site.check out the below tutorials to see how to use EndNote. We will be covering this step-by-step in class, but in case you forget anything, you can always refer back to this page for guidance.
- Help with EndNote Web (from your CSUN librarian)
- EndNote FAQ (from EndNote website) Links to an external site.
- EndNote YouTube Channel Links to an external site.